5 Strategies to Grow Your Audience

by Gareth
6 minutes
5 Strategies to Grow Your Audience

If you are struggling to grow your business then you’re probably also trying to grow your audience. With a bigger audience, you are able to exercise greater authority and influence, resulting in a much larger income, and who doesn’t want that? There are five essential strategies you should utilise to grow your audience.

But before I dive into these 5 awesome steps to build your audience, it should be noted that you don’t need a massive audience of millions, hundreds of thousands, or even tens of thousands to build a solid 6 or 7 figure business. So, regardless of whether you are starting a new business or have been trying for some time, don’t be discouraged if your audience numbers don’t grow as quickly as you would like them to. 

#1 Give Value Without Expecting Something In Return

The first step to growing your audience is to be seen as a giver in your industry. Don’t be seen as a giver who expects something back, but rather a giver who gives freely with no expectation or return or reciprocity. When your focus is on serving and providing value you become an audience magnet and will start to naturally attract more people to your brand and business. You also become a lot easier to refer and share, which further fuels your audience growth. 

#2 Give With Consistency

Like with all things in life, consistency is key. This is because it takes time and consistent effort to build up a loyal, large, or highly engaged audience. Growing your audience isn’t a one-time effort, but a long, winding, road where you are consistently providing value, proving to your market that you really do have their back, and showing up every day willing to do a little bit more. 

Growing your audience is a marathon, not a sprint, and nothing destroys trust like starting to give and then disappearing off the face of the planet after a month or two.

#3 Give What They Want

Giving something that people actually want seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised by how many businesses fail to do this simple step. The best way to avoid this is to 1) ask your audience how you can best help them, or what they want most. Then 2) test this by creating a short blog post, video, lead magnet, or podcast, and see if anyone responds. 

The last thing you want to do is spend time, money, and energy creating something to give away that nobody wants. 

#4 Give To The Correct People

As mentioned previously, you don’t need a huge audience of millions to build a really solid business. In fact, in most cases you’re far better off ignoring the masses in favour of a smaller tribe. When you narrow down your targeting and who it is you’re trying to reach, it allows you to really focus on serving a smaller portion of the population, which means you’ll be able to dial in your message a whole lot better and connect with your audience on their level. Not only that, but it’s also a whole lot less expensive and far more effective, as you can target, retarget, and then retarget some more for pennies. 

#5 Make The Next Step Simple

This last step is less about actually growing the audience but what you should do once you have established your audience. This is pretty important and it’s where many entrepreneurs leave a lot of money on the table. The key is to begin with the end in mind and focus on strategy right at the initial stages of building your audience. Ask yourself the following questions:

·     What action do I want my followers to take?

·     What stage of my marketing funnel are people joining?

·     Is it clear and easy for them to take the next step to do business with me?

When you’re clear about your products or services, the value your provide, and how you can best help people, it makes it a lot easier and more profitable, to not only grow a larger audience, but also better serve and therefore profit from the audience you grow. 

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