Characteristics of a successful advertising design

by Gareth
2 minutes
Characteristics of a successful advertising design

What characteristics should an advertising design have to be successful? The answer is that there is no set recipe, however, there are some important points to take into consideration...

The main thing is that it must be significant to the target market. There is no point in creating a cool advert and containing important information for our target if the design, itself, isn't significant in some way. 

The second, but equally important point is, the design must be sufficiently creative. In other words, you must produce some innovative way to communicate your message. For this reason, the vast majority of advertising does not work. All those designs that do not "shock" the viewer in one way or another are simply like air to them... they pass it by. Here, rhetoric is fundamental. The design must be creative. (Tweet this)

The third point is, it must be plausible... and, here, I do not mean that it has to be 'real', since that would prevent metaphors or hyperboles from being used. Instead, the point is that what is being communicated must be credible. The design must be credible.

Finally, we should ask: Does it add value to the brand? And of course, nowadays we could also suggest that it has the potential to be viral or at least social...

If a design, no matter if it is graphic or digital, meets all these characteristics, it will most likely have good results with your target market.

For a good example, the extraordinary graphic of the Makati City Fire Station (above) is significant to the population in which it is broadcast, it is tremendously creative, completely credible, innovative and has the potential to become social... the result is a brilliant advert.

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